How can I make my crops more resilient?

As a grower, you want your crops to be resilient against diseases and pests. One way to do this is by keeping the soil healthy. But how does that work? After all, soil is a world in and of itself. Soil life, soil chemistry and soil structure interact in myriad different ways. In this article, we will share some concrete information and give various handy tips.
What is healthy soil?
Healthy soil consists of several layers. The top layers contain a wide range of living organisms, such as worms, nematodes, bacteria, and so on. These organisms suppress pests and diseases and break down contaminants. This keeps the soil fertile and full of nutrients to feed the crops, whilst keeping its structure nice and crumbly. To create a healthy top layer, it is important that you know your soil. You can map your soil by carrying out a soil analysis, which will give you insight into the available nutrients, nutrient reserves and organic matter content. Organic matter balancing lets you see whether organic matter is being built up and broken down in perfect equilibrium.
How can you optimise soil health?
First of all, it is important that your soil gets enough air. Many microorganisms need oxygen survive, and this essential gas will also make it easier for the roots of your crop to absorb nutrients and water. You can also keep your soil healthy with organic additives,
which can retain moisture and provide nutrients to soil life, among other things. This helps the soil store more nutrients more easily. Examples of organic matter include: green manure, nematodes, animal manure, champost and compost. Before adding organic matter to your soil, make sure to check whether it is suitable, or it may even be detrimental.
It is also important that you work the soil correctly. While you work the soil, a lot of organic matter may be lost, and you may disturb the habitat of organisms living in the soil. Make sure not to bury organic matter and crop residue in the soil, as it will not be digested properly. Work the organic matter into the soil superficially, without tilling.
How can BAC help you?
If you have more questions about soil health, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to advise you. We also sell our very own soil improvers, including BAC pH+ and BAC pH-. This will optimise soil acidity, helping your crops absorb nutrients. Use BAC Bloom stimulator to feed the microorganisms in the soil. This stimulator will help them multiply quickly, resulting in flourishing crops.